LMU’s events calendar (cal.lmu.edu) is powered by Localist, a system that lets you add events directly to the main university calendar and use tags and filters to create mini calendars to fit your needs. Do you have an event that you’d like to appear on your department and college site, as well as the main university calendar page? With Localist, you can do that. But Localist is much more than a calendaring tool: It’s a social tool that allows users to create profiles, easily share events on Facebook, see what events friends are attending, and more.
If you’d like a calendar for your site, request system access below. There’s a one-time process to establish your account, set up the appropriate filters in the system and generate an embed code for your site. After that, it’s off to the races! Many users find the Localist Calendar relatively intuitive, so once you get access, you’re free to start entering events. However, if you think you might need a little extra help in getting started, we’ve got you covered.